Gone, But Not Forgotten

As Arlington County grew, new buildings were constructed to reflect the popular styles of the time. As urbanization took hold, some buildings were demolished and replaced. Today, the county is a mix of old and new constructions in various styles and materials.

Historic preservation laws were uncommon before the 1960s. The federal government focused on sites of national importance and documentation through the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS). However, buildings were often still demolished due to urban renewal.

In 1966, the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) was passed by Congress to encourage the preservation of significant historical, architectural, and archaeological sites. The NHPA also established the National Register of Historic Places, which now includes nearly 100,000 listed sites.

Join us on a tour of the lost buildings and structures of Arlington County. Each of these places had a unique story and some were lost after a hard-fought battle. However, they all serve as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of our community and the rich heritage that is shared by all Arlington residents.